“My Neighbors laughed when I ordered my GrowBoxes™ Now, THEY ALL want a tomato garden like mine!”

Photo Giveaway

You can email your photos in the highest resolution possible to [email protected]. Include a little info about your garden/experience, your name, (names of anyone photographed) city and state. Or simply click the button below to upload your photos directly from your device.
Submit Your Photos Now

GrowBox™ Giveaway Photo Search

We are happy to announce The 19th Annual GrowBox™ Photo Contest!

Imagine your GrowBox™ garden being featured on Good Morning America, The Wall Street Journal, Organic Gardening Magazine, MSNBC or QVC! These are just some of the places your fellow gardener’s pictures have appeared.

We want to see how much fun you’re having in your garden this summer and we’re giving away FREE Garden Patch™ Staking Kits and GrowBoxes™ to a few lucky winners just for sending in your pictures. Here’s a great opportunity for you to share your GrowBox™ successes with others and maybe win a new Staking Kit or GrowBox™! Start sending your pictures today for your chance to win.

Here's How to Enter

  1. Simply fill out the form below to be entered to win. (TIP: You can upload photos directly from your smart phone, tablet or computer.)
  2. Send as many different pictures as you’d like to improve your odds. We’ll be sure to look at and read each and every one!
  3. If we choose your photo we’ll contact you via your email address you submit on the form.

It’s that easy. You could win just by entering!

– Best of Luck and we look forward to hearing from You!

Photo Giveaway Contest

  • Tell us about your garden and experience with your GrowBox™. You can talk about setting it up, your daily maintence or anything in between.
  • Photo Guidelines:
    - Please only upload original large image files. Small thumbnails will not be considered for winning images.
    - Try to show the whole plant and GrowBox™ planter.
    - Try to limit the amount of the background photographed.
    - You can send pictures of the individual or entire GrowBox™ gardens.

    Please be patient while the images upload
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 10.