New Garden Products Win 2007 MGA Green Thumb Awards. #
Winners of the 2007 MGA Green Thumb Awards were chosen by an independent panel of garden writers and editors. The winning products were selected based on their uniqueness, technological innovation, ability to solve a gardening problem or provide a gardening opportunity, and potential appeal to gardeners.
The MGA Green Thumb Awards recognize outstanding new garden products available by mail or online. The awards are sponsored by the Mailorder Gardening Association, the world’s largest non-profit association of companies that sell garden products directly to consumers.
The Garden Patch™ Planter
The new GardenPatch™ planter is the perfect way for anyone to enjoy home-grown tomatoes, vegetables, flowers, berries and herb, even if they don’t have the room or time for a garden. All you need is sunlight and a few feet of space on the deck, patio or balcony. The Garden Patch™ does the gardening work for you. The unique design automatically adds the right amount of water and fertilizer exactly when your plants need it. The Nutrient Patch™ cover stops weeds and even shows you the best spacing for dozens of popular plants and seeds.
The Garden Patch™ Planter mesaures 30″L x 15″W x 12″H and is available in green and terra cotta (cauliflower, celery, lime, and eggplant colors also available for an additional fee). It sells for $39.95 and quantity discounts are available.
National Home & Gardening Association #
The GrowBox™ by Garden Patch™ is a container gardening kit complete with fertilizer and a self-watering reservoir. Compact design works well in small gardens, on decks, and on patios. Great for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Available in green or terra cotta. Garden Patch™, 800-519-1955, $39.95
About The Testing Process
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. All products are rated on 10 attributes; three are printed here. In addition, members give the product an overall rating. At least 67 percent of testers must recommend a product for it to receive the Member Tested & Recommended seal. To be a tester, you must complete a Product Test Profile form, available online or by calling Member Services at 800-234-8454. Once chosen, testers are required to complete and return a report form on the product tested. The tester keeps the product free of charge. If you’ve tested a product in the past, you need to complete another test profile to remain eligible. After members are selected to test, they are not eligible to test for one year from their last tested date.