“My Neighbors laughed when I ordered my GrowBoxes™ Now, THEY ALL want a tomato garden like mine!”
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Deciding What To Grow

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Deciding On What To Grow #

Grow any vegetables or flowers from seeds or plant starts. All you add is the potting mix!

The design of the Garden Patch™ ensures your success. You’ll grow tomatoes and peppers as easily as you grow onions, cucumbers, and beans. There’s no guessing about how often to water or when to add fertilizer. The Grow Box™ by Garden Patch™ does it for you. Simply lay the Nutrient Patch™ on top of the soil, plant your plants and add water. It couldn’t be easier. There’s no wondering what your plants need – The Garden Patch™ provides it! Everything you plant will grow perfectly.

It’s easy – just pace it off – one large pace per Grow Box™ is all the space you’ll need.

We’re warning you, once you see how great your plants are growing, you’ll want to plant more varieties. Save yourself from ordering twice and order 10 GrowBoxes™ now. With our hi-density gardening system, you maximize the amount you grow with the least effort and space.

Here are some recommendations based on what other’s like you are growing. #

Type Of Plant # of GrowBoxex™ Needed Per GrowBox™
Tomatoes 1 – 2 Plant up to 2 varieties per Grow BoxTM – Slicing, Cherry, Roma, Grape
Herbs 1 -2 Plant 6 – 8 types per Grow BoxTM – Basil, Chives, Oregano, Dill
Salad 2 – 3 1 for lettuce, greens, and spinach – 1 or 2 for Cucumbers, Peppers, Onions…
Condiments 1 – 2 1 for Tomatoes and 1 for Lettuce, Onions, Peppers, Cucumbers
Fun Things 1+ Grow flowers, strawberries, corn

Here’s An Easy Way To Decide How Many GrowBoxes™ To Order #

Just figure 1 to 2 different varieties of plants per Garden Patch™. Then just pace it off – one large pace per Garden Patch™ Grow Box™ is all the space you’ll need. The instructions included with your order will show you exactly how many plants of each variety to plant and where to plant them. It’s that simple.

Artichoke Chard Lentils Peppers – Tabasco Spring greens
Arugula Chickpeas Lettuce Potatoes Squash
Asparagus Collard greens Limas Pumpkins Strawberries
Beans Corn Melons Radicchio Tomatoes
Beets Cucumbers Okra Radishes Tubers
Black-eyed peas Eggplant Onions Rhubarb Turnips
Broccoli Endive Parsley Roses Wasabi
Brussels sprouts Fennel Parsnip Rutabaga Watermelon
Cabbage Garlic Peas Salad Greens White radish
Cantaloupe Ginger Peppers – Bell Shallots Wild leeks
Carrots Kale Peppers – Cayenne Snow peas Winter melon
Cauliflower Kohlrabi Peppers – Habanero Spaghetti squash Yellow squash
Celery Leek Peppers – Jalapeno Spinach Zucchini

HERBS for Cooking or just their great fragrances. You can plant 6 to 8 varieties in each Grow Box™. #

Alexanders Coriander Hyssop Milk thistle Rosemary
Basil Costmary Kaffir Lime Leaves Mint Sage
Bergamot Cress Lavender Mullien Salad Burnet
Bison grass Damiana Lemon balm Mustard Savory
Borage Devil’s claw Lemon Myrtle Oregano Sweet cicely
Chervil Dill Lemon verbena Pandan leaf Sweet woodruff
Chives Evening primrose Lemongrass Parsley Tansy
Cicely Fennel Lovage Primrose Tarragon
Cilantro Garlic Marjoram Purslane Thyme