Cool Season Vegetables
Cool-season vegetables like growing temperatures that reach around 60 to 80 degrees F like we have during the spring and fall. Most will tolerate some summer heat but not scorching July heat. They do tolerate light frosts so you can begin your garden pretty early. You can plant your cool-season spring plants two to four weeks before the average last-frost date
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Celery
- Chard
- Collards
- Endive/Escarole
- Kale
- Kahlrabi
- Lettuce
- Mustard
- Parsley
- Onions
- Peas
- Radish
- Spinach
- Strawberry
Warm Season Vegetables
Warm season vegetables prefer warmer summer temperatures around 70 to 95 degrees F and are intolerant of frost. You will want to plant these plants after the last chance of a spring frost.
- Beans
- Cantaloupes
- Corn
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Okra
- Peas
- Peppers
- Summer Squash
- Tomatoes
- Sweet Potatoes
- Pumpkin
- Watermelon
- Zucchini