Imagine that the thrilling thought of fostering your own produce from (literally) the ground up sends you to your local nursery to buy plant seeds. You think you’ve done everything properly, but after a while, you notice some worrying signs. Leaves are beginning to wilt and discolor, roots are looking brown and appear to be rotting, and the fertilizer you applied is now crusting on the surface.
Can you overfertilize your plants in your garden? Yes—and judging by the signs, you already have!
Gardening can be difficult and confusing, but with The Garden Patch GrowBox™ from A Garden Patch, fertilizing and growing your plants has never been so simple and straightforward.
Overfertilization can lead to fertilizer burn, which can kill your plants. This overfertilization of the garden soil makes it difficult for plants to absorb water. Even a fluctuation in the fertilizer levels can be detrimental to a plant’s ability to maintain consistent water absorption. Slow-release fertilizer provides plants with that consistency.
We have designed The Garden Patch GrowBox™ specifically to have perfect plant spacing and proper automatic fertilization. Slow-release fertilizer ensures that excess fertilizer is not present, enabling a consistent distribution to reach your plants.
Nutrient packs take all the guesswork out giving your plants everything they need to grow properly (including dolomite for tomatoes). Unsightly blemishes, associated with a lack of essential nutrients, can ultimately compromise a tomato’s health.
When it comes to the question, “Can you overfertilize your plants in your garden?” the answer is often more nuanced than a simple “yes.” You need to know how you can overfertilize your plants, too.
Fertilizer Matters
Any old fertilizer simply will not do when it comes to growing your tomatoes. The type of fertilizer you select matters just as much as the quantity used. Growing the best tomatoes requires an evenly distributed amount of organic fertilizer to foster healthy growth, in conjunction with a quality “sweetener” (or blend of nutrients).
Problems such as fertilizer burn (discoloration on the plant that varies from yellow to brown, from overfertilizing) are far too common when it comes to new gardeners trying to start their own garden.
The Garden Patch GrowBox™ makes all of these uncertainties go away. The Garden Patch GrowBox™ works to ensure that each plant remains constantly fertilized in evenly distributed quantities. This system mitigates the possibility of excess fertilizer.
When growing tomatoes, coupling the garden dolomite mix from A Garden Patch with your Garden Patch GrowBox™ will yield the best results for your garden. The dolomite mix is the perfect blend your tomato plants need to get all the nutrients and calcium required to grow big and healthy.
Dolomite? What Is That?
The dolomite found in our garden dolomite mix works to “sweeten” the garden soil or potting mix that you’re using and to maximize the nutrients and calcium your tomato plant receives. Unsightly and unhealthy black spot blemishes on your tomatoes are generally associated with a lack of nutrients, mainly calcium.
Fusing the garden dolomite mix with A Garden Patch’s Nutrient Patch™ is the best way to confirm that your plants are getting the nutrients they require while erasing the possibility of overcompensation through the usage of excessive amounts of fertilizer.
Is Overfertilization That Big of a Deal?
Yes, it certainly is! Beyond the commonly-seen fertilizer burn we noted above, overfertilization can lead to a series of other issues, such as:
- Environmental Damage: Studies have shown that excess fertilizer usage can adversely affect our groundwater supply, which, in turn, can affect rivers, oceans, and other bodies of water. The excessive amount of nutrients and other additives can seep into underground water sources.
- Insect Infestation: Overfertilization may also lead to an increase in insects in your garden, which may enter your home as well.
- Plant Disease: Fertilizing too much can lead to an increased amount of foliage on your plants. Plants struggle to manage the amount of nutrients they intake when overfertilized, resulting in assorted diseases and other issues with your plants.
Can Overfertilization Be Reversed or Corrected?
Many of the problems associated with too much fertilizer are contingent on the condition of your plant and, most importantly, your plant’s root system. Assuming that the root system is still alive, the plant may be in a position for you to save it. Rescuing your plant begins with a few easy steps, when and where applicable. These include:
- Removing Surface Fertilizer: If you see a layer of dried, crusted fertilizer, remove it carefully so as not to disrupt the plant’s roots.
- Removing Excess Fertilizer: If any additional fertilizer is surrounding the plant, or has perhaps fallen to the base of the plant’s pot, be sure to remove it carefully without harming the plant or its roots.
- Watering: The easiest way to cleanse a plant or garden from overfertilization is through watering. Watering aids plants in rinsing off their roots from excess nutrients, salts, and other additives. Watering is the best approach, but you need to do it as soon as you notice the signs of overfertilization.
- Follow-Up: Once you’ve implemented some or all of these methods, keep checking to see if new growth(s) are visible within the plant’s roots. If so, you are good to re-fertilize. If not, it is time to start anew after the removal of the dead plants.

You Can Overfertilize Your Plants in Your Garden, But Our Team at A Garden Patch Is Here to Help!
Can you overfertilize your plants? Not with our GrowBox™! Order The Garden Patch GrowBox™ today and watch how quickly your plants can grow and flourish.
You can set your GrowBox™ up anywhere, indoors or out on your deck or in the garden. You need no gardening experience, so it’s perfect for beginner gardeners. And what’s more, you’ll have no weeding to do! It will automatically feed and water your plants for you to achieve the perfect plants.
To learn how to spot the common tomato diseases and see how The Garden Patch GrowBox™ can help you, enjoy our website articles. We are always happy to speak with you at A Garden Patch, so call us at (800) 519-1955 today.