Summer gardening is harder to master than many people realize. The warm climate and long hours of strong UV rays create many problems that can damage your plants. Luckily, with the right preparation, you can still build a beautiful garden during the hottest summer months of the year.
As the creators of the Garden Patch Growbox, we aim to help everyone become a gardening master. Check out our list of do’s and don’ts so you can learn the best summer gardening tips for helping your plants flourish.
If you want to improve your skills further, try out the tomato and vegetable planters from GrowBox. Our intelligent boxes automatically water and fertilize plants while helping maintain temperature and moisture levels so that you can look like a pro without a ton of work.
Do: Plan Around Your Local Climate
Summer climates vary around the globe. Your summer might be 115 degrees and dry as a bone, while someone else’s might be 85 degrees and incredibly humid. Before starting your garden, research tips and tricks for your local area to learn how your climate may affect your garden.
Summer also comes at different times, depending on your location. Your summer may begin earlier than others, so plan your scheduling around your local forecast.
Don’t: Over Fertilize
Summer fertilization is a tricky subject. When you feed plants and add a ton of heat, you may create too much leafy growth without actual fruits or flowers. Take it easy on the fertilizer so that you don’t accidentally make your plant too heavy, damaging its strength and durability.
If you struggle with finding a fertilization balance, consider using the GrowBox, which dispenses the perfect amount of fertilizer to feed your plants so that you never accidentally overdo it.

Do: Utilize Shade
Most plants cannot handle full sunlight all of the time during the hottest summer months. Usually, you should try to keep plants in the shade during peak sun hours between early and mid-afternoon. Research the particular breeds in your garden to learn what type of sun they like.
With potted plants, move them into your garden’s shade. For anything planted in the ground, try covering them with a sheet or umbrella.
Don’t: Forget About Humidity
Many plants flourish in humid climates that keep the soil damp and moisten the plants’ leaves. If you live in a dry, desert summer climate, you should mimic this humidity by spraying your plants with a water mister.
Do: Pick Plants That Can Handle the Heat
Not all plants can handle intense heat. You must pick a heat-tolerant summer crop that flourishes best under harsh UV rays. Some great summer plants include:
● Hot peppers.
● Bougainvillea.
● Cucumbers.
● Tomatoes.
● Aloe vera.
● Okra.
● Hibiscus.
● Succulents.
Don’t: Overwater
One of the worst mistakes you can make in gardening is overwatering. Overwatering is incredibly common, especially during the summer, because the heat may make you think that plants need more water than they do. If you over-soak the plant regularly, the roots will drown and attract different dangerous funguses and illnesses.
Every plant requires a different watering schedule, so research all your plants’ needs before deciding when to water. Usually, you should not add more moisture until the soil feels mostly dry to the touch.
If you struggle with under- or over-watering, try using the GrowBox, which automatically provides just the right amount of water for your plants. By utilizing a water source at the bottom of the pot, the GrowBox lets plants drink exactly as much as they need, right from their roots.
Do: Keep the Soil Moist by Adding Mulch or Clay
Aside from watering the plants, you also need to keep up with soil moisture so that your garden has a healthy environment. You can try adding mulch or grass on top of the dirt to lock in any water beneath the surface. To improve moisture retention, you can also add clay to your soil mixture (depending on the plant).
The GrowBox features a Nutrient Patch layer that sits directly atop your soil, locking in any water so that you don’t need to worry about adding mulch.
Don’t: Forget to Pull Weeds
Weeds are your garden’s worst enemy. When weeds grow, they use up a lot of the necessary soil nutrients and moisture, leaving your plants without enough space or resources. You can prevent weed damage by consistently uprooting them whenever one pops up.
Avoid hoeing the entire garden so that you don’t damage your root system. You can try different pesticides, but you should thoroughly research their ingredients before spraying.
Another great weed prevention method is the GrowBox, which has the Nutrient Patch protective cover to break apart weeds before they can grow and spread.
Do: Keep a Few Plants in the Same Pot
Depending on the plant breeds, you can combine multiple species into a single pot to improve moisture retention. Clustering offers many benefits, but be sure to research each plant type before throwing them all together.
Don’t: Plant Mid-Summer
Baby seedlings often cannot handle the intense heat and sunlight during the middle of summer. If you’re planting something new, opt to start in early spring so that the plant can grow and adjust to the heat. If you’re already too deep into summer gardening, try leaving the young plants in the shade or a cooler area before introducing direct sunlight.
Do: Try Out the GrowBox
The GrowBox is an excellent tool for any of your summer gardening needs.
You can plant your favorite fruits or veggies and watch them grow without breaking a sweat. The planter will take care of watering and fertilizing while preventing weeds and diseases. You can easily move the portable GrowBox around for optimal shade or rain protection.
Order online today or call us at (800) 519-1955 to order by phone!
Are you interested in growing some tasty, fresh veggies to add to your summertime barbeques and salads? If so, continue reading our blog to learn more about growing vegetable gardens.