“My Neighbors laughed when I ordered my GrowBoxes™ Now, THEY ALL want a tomato garden like mine!”
gardening myths

Debunking the 10 Most Common Gardening Myths That You Should Never Believe

Gardening is not a one-size-fits-all hobby. Too many gardening myths exist that can harm your plants rather than help. Every plant requires varying treatments, every yard has different soil, and every gardener deals with different climates.

As the creators of the Garden Patch GrowBox, we want to help everyone be the best plant parent. Below, we will cover the top 10 gardening myths we hear frequently and explain why they aren’t true.

If you’re still feeling intimidated about rolling your sleeves up and building a garden, you should try the GardenBox. The GardenBox is your go-to planter that takes care of all the difficult parts of gardening so that you can sit back and enjoy the fruits and veggies without breaking a sweat.

1. Rocks Help With Water Drainage

Many believe that layering rocks or other large objects at the bottom of the planter creates better drainage. The truth is that your potting soil will always have a thick layer of moist soil at the bottom of the pot, so if you add rocks, the same moisture will move up a few inches.

When you move the soil level up, the plants’ root system will experience more saturation, which can cause issues. Skip the rocks and let the pot drain itself.

If you’re having issues with oversaturated soil, consider finding a planter box with better drainage systems, like the GrowBox.

2. You Should Water Every Day

All plants and climates require different watering schedules. Some plants need a drink every day while others can go for months without any water droplets, making this statement one of our top gardening myths.

More often than not, watering a plant every day will drown it. Many say that it’s easier to bring an under-watered plant back to life than an over-watered one, so remember that less is more.

If you have trouble knowing when and how much to water your plants, check out the best self-watering planters for tomatoes from GrowBox. The planters’ intelligent design waters the plants from the bottom so that the roots can drink up as much as they need, whenever they need it. Then, you can sit back and never worry about watering schedules again.

3. You Must Stake Baby Trees

When you plant a tree’s root ball well enough into the planting hole, you should not have to stake anything. Allowing the baby tree to sway in the wind can build its strength, creating a stronger and more durable tree.

A few tree varieties may still need staking, but if you decide to add some, regularly check each season to see if the tree is sturdy enough to stand on its own yet.

gardening myth

4. If the Pesticide Is Organic, It’s Safe

Just because a pesticide is organic does not mean it’s non-toxic or safe for plants, humans, and animals. Some plants may handle different pesticides better than others. If you have pets, ensure that any treatment you use is safe for animals in case your dog gets into the garden.

5. Eggshells Improve Soil Nutrients

Since eggshells contain calcium, some people believe that allowing them to decompose in your garden can improve the soil’s nutrients and reduce blossom end rot. Many don’t consider how long the shells take to decompose and how little calcium they will transfer into the soil. While tossing out your shells is a great compost practice, it likely won’t do much for your garden.

If you want to improve your soil nutrients, try adding fertilizer. The GrowBox comes with a Nutrient Patch layer that automatically dispenses important vitamins into the soil to feed your plants regularly.

6. Dish Soap Safely Removes Aphids

Dish soaps are mild, though they can still harm your plants. While your pets may handle dish soap well, your garden may deteriorate from the artificial chemicals. If you have problems with aphids or other pests, you should conduct additional research to find the best method for removing the exact insects from your specific plants.

7. Compost Smells Bad

Many gardeners stay away from composting as they fear it will create a foul smell in their yard. Composting piles in a raised bed only produces unpleasant odors when they don’t have enough oxygen. Regularly shovel through the mound and rotate everything around to improve oxygen flow and keep everything smelling earthy and natural.

8. Walnut Trees Prevent Growth

Walnut tree roots produce juglone, a chemical that can prevent plant growth in certain species. So why is this statement a myth? Many plants can still easily grow around walnut trees. These include:

●  Daffodils.

●  Japanese maples.

●  Lilacs

●  Tulips.

●  Foxgloves.

●  Begonias.

●  Purple coneflowers.

If you want to raise any plants that react negatively to walnut trees, try using a planter box instead, like the GrowBox, to avoid soil contact.

9. Sunlight Ripens Tomatoes

You may feel tempted to place your green tomatoes right on the windowsill to ripen in the sun, but the truth is that heat does not help tomatoes ripen at all. The best way to turn tomatoes into plump, red, and delicious fruits is by storing them in a cool and dry area. Leave tomatoes in the shade, place them in a closed cabinet, or even take them to your basement.

10. You Must Be a Gardening Expert to Be Successful

False! Whether an expert or a beginner, you can gain your green thumb using the GrowBox.

Our planter will take care of the watering and fertilizing so that you never have to worry about feeding and watering too much or too little. You can order online or call us at (800) 519-1955.

Believing these gardening myths can destroy your hard work. Hopefully, this article debunked these false tales and shed some clarity on what’s most important in nurturing your garden. Before getting your hands dirty, learn more gardening tips and tricks to create the biggest and most beautiful plants this season!

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