There are a lot of people that think gardening isn’t worth the hassle. As well, there also seems to be a lot of people that, for one reason or another, have a tough time growing anything besides weeds. I won’t lie, there is a lot of work that goes into creating a great garden. However, there are plenty of ways to make it easier on yourself and produce much better plants at the same time.
Here Are The Top 10
Healthy Soil Is Square One
Once is a blue moon, someone might be able to grow plants in terrible soil, but honestly, it’s next to impossible. If you want a healthy garden, you need healthy soil! One of the easiest ways to achieve this, especially for those with acidic and rocky soil in their yards, is building a raised planter.
Add Composite Prior To Planting
One of the most important things you can do to grow healthy plants is add composite to the soil. It’s important that this is done well in advance so that there is time for the composite to stabilize and integrate. This should be done approximately two weeks before planting.
Avoid The Deadly Frost
Simply put, frost can easily kill certain types of plants, especially those that are still in their early stages. Experienced gardeners know when they need to plant and harvest in order to avoid this. Even experience can’t protect them from the “freak” cold snaps that occur occasionally.
A simple tip that experienced and novice gardeners can benefit from would be using milk jugs, soda bottles, or anything else plastic to cover their plants. This will shield and protect most plants from the harsh cold.
Make Sure Your Plants Have Adequate Drainage
Never forget that healthy roots create healthy plants. While the right kind of soil, compost, and the climate are all crucial factors to keep in mind, it’s also important to ensure that your plant has adequate drainage.
It’s highly important that your plant’s roots are able to get air. For the roots to get air, there needs to be minimal amounts of stagnant water in the soil. Better drainage can be achieved by drilling small holes in the bottom of your planter. If planting in the ground, you will need to use more compost and avoid overpacking the soil.
Make Your Load Lighter
It’s not uncommon for gardeners to occasionally move their plants. This is especially true in harsh environments where it is either very hot or very cold. Anyone who has ever done this knows that it is a huge hassle.
Here’s a quick tip. Replace the bottom third of your pot with packing peanuts and then layer that with a piece of landscaping fabric. After that, add some lightweight soil. You’ll likely be surprised by how much this simple trick lightens the load.
Know When To Water And How Much To Give
One of the hardest things to master is a proper watering schedule. Unfortunately, there’s really no shortcut for this. The best way to figure out when and how much water your plant needs is to do some research online. Different plants in different areas will have varying needs. Make sure you take your climate into consideration.
Find The Right Place For Your Garden
Some plants need a lot of light while some need less. Some need direct sun while others need only ambient light. It’s extremely important that you keep this in mind while deciding where your garden will be located.
Simply put, if your plants are in a bad spot, they’re not going to do very well. Pay attention to where the sun shines the most in your yard. Also pay close attention to where the shady areas develop during the day. This will help you determine what the best location for your garden is.
Remember, its not about where your garden looks the best, but where your garden will be the healthiest that matters.
Monitor The Acidity
Different plants require various levels of acidity in order to be able to properly absorb nutrients from the soil. Determine whether or not your plant requires acidic soil then begin keeping a close eye on the ph levels.
If you’re plant thrives in “Sweet” soil, you may want to consider adding garden lime. If your plant thrives better in “Sour” soil, it would be a clever idea for you to add a fertilizer containing ammonium-N.
Know What’s Outside Of Your Skill Level
This one is really important for beginners. It’s crucial that you are aware of your skill level. It’s a good idea to stick to simpler to grow plants when you are first starting off. Trust me, there is a lot that goes into growing certain species. The last thing you want to do is take on something that is expert level your first-time gardening. This will do little more than lead to disappointment and a bad taste. Take it easy at first, learn how it all works, then go for the harder stuff.
Skip The Hassle And Check This Out
You’ve probably learned a lot from this article today and you probably feel a lot more confident in yourself. These tips are helpful, and they will definitely increase your chances of growing an amazing garden full of healthy plants.
However, to be perfectly honest, following these tips can be a real pain.
After all, who wants to spend hours building a raised planter or waste days of their life doing research on plant needs? How does the idea of constantly testing your soil sound? Do you think you will have fun studying your yard so that you ‘might’ find a spot that gets the perfect amount of sunlight? Or, better yet, do you have the patience to go through the trial and error stage of providing your plants with the right amount of water?
If you’re anything like me, you want things to be as simple as possible. It’s hard to enjoy something when it’s mostly hassles, challenging work, and headaches. I know that everything worth having is worth working for, but what if you could achieve better results with less work?
It’s entirely possible!
I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true. People all over the world are discovering how simple, fun, and convenient gardening can be.
It’s all thanks to something called the Garden Path Grow Box. This ingenious design is really changing the way that people grow gardens.
Let’s quickly go over what makes it so special…
– The design of this grow box allows air to circulate with ease which constantly supplies the roots with an ample amount of fresh air.
– The guessing game is taken out of watering. The reservoir that this planter uses makes sure your plants always get the perfect amount of water.
– A lightweight design allows this grow box to be moved with ease. No more moving heavy planters, no more confinement to certain areas of your yard, no more worry about over or under-exposure to light. Plus, the mobility eliminates the danger of frost. Don’t litter your yard with empty plastic bottles. Instead, simply move your plants inside for the night.
– The best thing about it… There’s no need to worry about the condition of your soul. Your plant will be provided with a constant supply of premium fertilizer thank to the NutrientPatch. There’s also no need for weeding, and your plants will be kept at the perfect temperature.
– It’s literally perfect for beginners. The reviews speak for themselves. How would you like to become the next “newbie” to experience remarkable results? Experience is not necessary, and results are guaranteed. Now that’s hard to beat!
Doesn’t it sound incredible? This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that this amazing grow box can do.
The choice is yours…
Break your back and waste countless hours of time with minimal results to show for it…
Or take nearly all of the work out of it and grow some of the best plants you have even seen…
Choose wisely!