“My Neighbors laughed when I ordered my GrowBoxes™ Now, THEY ALL want a tomato garden like mine!”


  • Sets up anywhere – the deck, patio, indoors or out.
  • No weeding, digging or guessing about when to water or fertilize.
  • No gardening experience needed
  • Fool-Proof Gardening For Anyone
  • Comes complete with simple instructions, FREE fertilizer and a planting guide for dozens of plants.
  • You’ll be up and growing in less than 10 minutes
  • Automatically feeds and waters the plants for you
  • Works anywhere, every time, year after year – even for first-time gardeners
  • Pays for itself in less than one season
  • Guaranteed to be the easiest and most productive garden or YOUR MONEY BACK!
You’ll Also Grow Peppers, Cucumbers, Salads, Flowers – Anything You Want! And SAVE $100’S OF DOLLARS at the Grocery Store every month!
I can't thank you enough. I started my first garden in the summer of 1942, our "victory garden" during WWII. I was eight years old then. I am 86 now and have, during my military service had a garden in many states; California, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Florida, Indiana, and Texas. In all those years I have NEVER had vegetables like I get from my GrowBoxes. These tomatoes are large, juicy, and delicious - and no end rot! I tell all my neighbors about your products, they are fantastic! Thank you, thank you.

The Easiest and Most Productive Garden Ever Invented


Fill your GrowBox™ with potting mix

Lay our entire-season Nutrient Patch ™ on top


Plant your plants at the numbers


Add water every few days and WATCH ‘EM GROW!


That's It, You're Done!

No Weeding, No Digging, No Guessing – The GrowBox™ does it all for you!

Here’s Why The GrowBox™ Works The Best

Constant water, nutrition and oxygen lets your plants naturally achieve their true potential.

No Other Gardening System Has This University-Developed Technology


Look What Happy GrowBox™ Gardeners Are Saying

1000’s of GrowBox gardeners are enjoying clean, fresh produce at a fraction of the cost from your local grocery store.

  • This is 9 year old Abbie B. from Ohio with another amazing 1 day harvest of 10 cucumbers from 1 GrowBox! She is so proud of herself!

    Abbie & Dawn B.

    Centerville, OH

  • We are overjoyed with your products and glad to share just a small glimpse of the amazing food we’re able to grow by using your GrowBox systems.

    Alisa S., Jack B.

    Federal Way, WA

  • Eggplants galore!!! Lots of eggplant parmigiana coming up! Even Pepper (the dog) loves them! Bought three boxes last year. I have been gardening for 40 years and never had any crops as beautiful, productive, and delicious as those in your boxes. I plan to buy several more this season.

    Debbie B.

    Ocean City, NJ

  • At 87 years of age I have discovered the ease and joy of tomato gardening using the GrowBox! I have six GrowBoxes. My yield mid-season is 154 tomatoes!

    Fred (and Teka) N.

    Glen Ellyn, IL

  • Wow! Here’s a photo of Adrian in our organic GrowBox garden – We now have 10 GrowBoxes working for us – keeping us ( …and our friends 🙂 stocked with tomatoes, zucchini, peppers and a wide selection of fresh herbs.

    Adrian & Oresta F.

    Wayne, NJ

  • Your products are fabulous and I am so pleased with the results. I can not wait for spring to arrive so I can start planting. Thank you again

    Jay P.

    Hopedale, MA

  • Trying to grow Trombetta squash in NJ using GrowBox for the first time. Results are unbelievable. Squash are doing great and today’s pick measured at 36″

    Vijay, Madhulika & Anuvi G.

    Bridgewater, NJ

  • Second year using the GrowBoxes – everything looks great

    Bob Z.

    New Philadelphia, OH

  • Our first harvest!! Love my GrowBoxes. Thanks for making gardening fun and easy for newbies like me!! My tomatoes are about to be as tall as me! Everyone that sees my GrowBoxes wants to know how to order!!

    Vickie R

    Lexington, SC

1 YEAR   |   100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Try our GrowBoxes™ at home and if for ANY reason you’re not completely satisfied and convinced that the Garden Patch™ GrowBox™ is the easiest and most productive way to garden, simply return them within one year for a FULL REFUND. Even if you lost the receipt.

We’re confident that once you try growing with Garden Patch™ GrowBox™ you’ll never go back to digging and weeding again!

“We grew 30 pounds of fresh produce for less than one trip to the grocery store.”
Susan S. Sterling, IL.
All Planters come complete with Free fertilizer Nutrient Patches™, Simple Planting Instructions and a Planting Guide for Dozens of Vegetables, Herbs and Flowers.
Factory Direct Pricing – Quantities Are Limited, Order Today!
We’ll ship to our friends in AK, GU, HI, PR, VI. There is a $7 per GrowBox charge to cover the USPS Priority Mail charges. For other items, $7 per order.
  • good

    3 Complete GrowBoxes™


    Get 3 Pay only $129.99 Total

    • Get 3 GrowBoxes™

    • Grow tomatoes, peppers, herbs & more.

    • A big garden in a small space.

  • best

    10 Complete GrowBoxes™


    Get 10 Pay only $399.50 Total

    • Get 10 GrowBoxes™

    • a 300 sq foot garden in only a 10’x4′ space!

    • A big garden, a small price.

The ORIGINAL Garden Patch™ GrowBox™

Comes complete with fertilizer, simple instructions and planting guide.
$39.95 / +Shipping
Buy Now!
Only $39.95 each plus $6.95 S&H | *seeds not included


Order your GrowBox Replant Kit today! Starting at only $10.95/ea.!